Monday, February 8, 2010

Library Thing and Rollyo

I am very confused about the difference between "widgets" and "gadgets." I have been trying, once again in vain, to put a shelf of books on my blog as a gadget, although Library Thing calls it a widget. The difference between the two doesn't seem to be something I can figure out. So there is a link over on the left to my Library Thing books. I am done exploring that site. Interesting and information packed though it is, I must move on. And after viewing the very scary, very inappropriate dreck that showed up on Angela's Rollyo, I am going to pass on any further efforts with that site. As Kiera has said, it is still in Beta testing, and would seem to have some major issues. I already have had to junk one computer due to hopeless infection by porn pop ups, I can not risk losing another. I am going to be a little old chicken and say NO! to Rollyo.

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