Saturday, February 6, 2010

Just a little note-

Have you ever noticed that up at the top of your blog, on the left side is a little link called "next blog?" This fascinates me. I click on it every time I am on my blog- and usually when I am on other people's blogs, too. It just takes you to another random blog. I have never been to the same one twice, but they are all very unique, and many are very interesting. Where do all of these people find all the time to write so much and be so prolific and philosophical? Many are families with very photogenic children, some are people trying out new lifestyles- city people in the country, folks traveling all over. Sometimes they have music and you feel like these people have put their heart and soul into this bit of online chatter. I have only come across one that was a bit "off color." This pastime has nothing to do with this course, but it has opened up a whole new world that I didn't know was there! Try it sometime.
I also visit almost all of the other blogs in our "block" often- especially if I see someone has just been logged on (I click on "participants" to see who was on most recently). I am so nosy and snoopy! Fun times.

1 comment:

  1. Snoopy! Lol,I posted the email to the gadgets on my page, but here it is again:

    Love Kat's fish, I think they're more relaxing. Was going to send you the code, but decided you just might get the hamster instead of code.
    There are several gadgets on that page. Will be fun to see what you choose.
