Saturday, January 30, 2010

Some RSS Links You Might Like-

Here is the Neil Gaiman Blog-
Here is what you need to know about Librarian Etiquette-
Who doesn't love WOOT? Great deals, fun to read-
There, did I do it? Did it work? I am never sure until I post it and see it in "real life." What an adventure. . . goodnight.

RSS Feeds

Boy was Kiera right when she said to take a DEEEEEEEP breath for this one! I started at 8:45 and it is now 11:03. . . on a Saturday night. Yes, I know that is a sad thing. No life. . .
I have spent all of that time on the Bloglines site (yes, it is quite confusing to have the Bloglines site and the Blogspot, too- don't these geeks think of these things?) trying to add RSS feeds to my account. I was able to add 2 and see them on the left hand side, but everything else I saved seemed to be saving, but did not show up in the list. Where did they go? Oh, those tricky little buggers saved themselves to my browser bar under a little Favorites spot with a sneaky little star. Hummm, however did I find them? Why, I screamed and tore some hair out, of course, and they somehow appeared. Joy! And since I had so darn many of them- they kept vanishing so I kept on subscribing to additional ones- I didn't move them all to Bloglines. My favorite is Neil Gaiman's Journal. I love him, and his posts are wonderful. He had to put his cat to sleep not long ago, and had a long post on the process- I just went through that last year so I shed a tear or two. Ok, so I admit being glad I found that. Will I read all of these things daily? I doubt it. How could they be of use in the library- well, isn't information always of some use? But, at the same time, aren't we already bombarded with information? There are an awful lot of feeds and blogs on knitting- maybe we could have a library knitting club. Cooking, too, and crafts- fun stuff, for sure. But who has TIME?? The little video said how this was time saving, but if I wasn't going to look for this in the first place, how is bringing it to me saving me time? It is just one more thing in my "stuff I want to read" pile, but the pile has now migrated to a new place. Jeez. . . I am tired. I will post this and then try to figure out how to post my RSS feeds. You will like the Neil Gaiman one. The rest are ok.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Flickr Photo, part 2

I think that I must have done this in a very round about way- the photo is there, but I had wanted it to be with the post. I wasn't able to do that with uploading within the post, but had to do it separately using the Flickr blogging tool. So it ended up being its own post.
While I appreciate the idea of backing up photos on the web, and I already have a Picasa account, I am not sure just how much I would use Flickr. It has taken me a long time to get this done, and haven't really experienced the "fun" of it.

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

This is the photo of the Carnegie Library- Free to the People- what a wonderful concept!

Flickr Photo

I would like to actually post this photo, and am still working on figuring out how to do that. But until I get that figured out, I will post the url for it. It is a photo of the Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh, PA. I lived in Pittsburgh for a number of years, and earned my BA from Point Park University right downtown. The Carnegie library was right near the Pitt campus, and not far from where I lived. I spent many hours in the children's room of this library. It was so beautiful, peaceful and classic. I became fascinated with the concept of the Carnegie libraries. Funny, I forgot all about it until I saw this group on Flickr- with hundreds of photos of Carnegie libraries all over the place! Maybe someday I will visit more of them- before they disappear for being to old!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

In the beginning. . .

I have begun this process, and still have little or no idea what it is I am doing. So far I have read everyone else's blogs, viewed various little videos, set up a Google account and fretted a lot about this. So here it goes.

I am a relatively new librarian who is very old. No, really. When I went to graduate school the first time, data for my thesis had to be recorded on punch cards and fed into a computer that took up an entire room- maybe even an entire floor. I had such great computer anxiety that I paid another student to do this for me! When I went to graduate school again, for my library certificate, things had come a long way- but I hadn't. I learned (under protest) how to put assignments into a drop box (what? where did that just go?), do online discussion groups, use online resources like databases (you mean I can't just look this up in a BOOK?) and such. Now I spend about 8 hours in front of a computer screen, both at work and at home, check my e-mail and facebook compulsively and wonder what I would do without this [dumb] machine! Alas, somewhere along the line, I drank the Kool-aid.

I do view blogging as one of the more repugnant aspects of the online world. It seems as if too many people (not us, of course) seem to think that anyone else in the world even cares about what they have to say, when in all likelihood they don't. And the people who follow blogs, well, they just need to get off their computers and get a life.

Okay- case in point. . . I just clicked on "preview" to see how this thing looked, then went "back" to finish it and it was GONE! I am sure that speaks volumes to my reluctance to take on this whole project. Thankfully, I have exactly half a brain and figured out that my draft had been saved and so all was not lost. sigh. It is on to my next task. More later, if anyone is interested!